Past Projects

Java program utilizing multi-threading to write multiple CSVs

This is a simple program from one of my computer science courses. It is written in java and utilizes multi-threading. It generates 1,000 integers ranging from -1,000 to 1,000 in value. It then creates four threads for selection sort, bubble sort, merge sort and quick sort respectively. They apply the sorting algorithms and then write the sorted arrays to their own CSV files.

Data Structure Simulations

These are a few javascript web pages I made to illustrate the functional differences between Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues. Feel free to visit them by pressing their respective images.

Haskell program that advises student based off of their transcript

I have learned a lot of languages

During my time in computer science I have learned to work with a handful of languages. My best are Java and Python, but I am comfortable with C, Javascript, HTML, CSS, etc.

While in school I had a course where we learned a new programming language every week, working back to older and older languages. I used a tools such as to help learn their syntax and behavior.

I have included a couple Haskell programs I wrote, but I also have coded in COBOL, ALGOL 68, LUA, and Fortran90.

Similar program but it calculates their GPA

Simple Maze game written in C

Here is a game where the character is represented by the character '0', hallways are represented by '.', walls are '#', and the exit is 'E'.

The player enters 'w','a','s', or 'd' using the standard input to reach the end of the maze.